- Acceptance of terms of the Legal Notice
Use of this Website by persons who visit it and or use it (referred to in this Legal Notice as “The Visitor(s)”), entails full acceptance of the terms below on behalf of the Visitor(s).
This Website is operated and owned by C.G. Papaloisou Ltd, a private company registered in Cyprus (Company No HE5161, called hereto as “The Company”). The Company or its authorized agents and employees have the exclusive right to update this Website or modify it in any other way without prior notice to anyone.
- The visitor accepts that the Company bears no responsibility for information provided by this Website.
- No guarantees or commitments or promises are made as to the accuracy of information in this Website, either of medical, pharmaceutical or any other nature.
- The website may contain information on diseases and treatments: this information is intended for general guidance only and must never be a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. If you suspect you have a health problem, we strongly recommend that you contact your physician.
- The Company does not offer any guarantees that functions contained in this Website will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that this Website or the server where it is stored or located are free of viruses or bugs or other harmful software.
- The Company does not bear any responsibility and accepts no liability for damage caused to any Website visitor or any Website visitor’s computer, storage device or any other device, during the use visits to this Website or any other use of this Website.
- Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual property rights of all contents of this Website belong to the Company. Reproduction or any other use of contents of this Website, except for strict personal use of the Website visitor are strictly prohibited, unless prior written consent of the Company is provided.
- The Website visitor undertakes not to misuse this Website, by introducing viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or any other malicious and damaging material or to try to gain or even gain access to this Website, the server in which the contents of this Website are stored, or any other device connected to this Website.
- The visitor also undertakes to abide to all the laws of the Republic of Cyprus while accessing this Website and especially Law 22(III)/2004.
- The visitor undertakes to fully compensate the Company in relation to any damages caused by him/her as a result of misuse of this Website.
- Links to and from this Website
- The Company accepts no liability for contents or other defects of any other Websites and webpages this Website links to.
- The visitor undertakes not to link or refer to this Website, without prior written consent of the Company. The way of linking should also be approved beforehand by the Company.
- The visitor undertakes to transfer and concerns or complaints about this Website to the Company in the email address described below and only if not satisfied he/she can take any legal measures against the Company.
- The Company can be reached at at the following email address: [email protected]
- Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
Terms of this disclaimer are governed by Cyprus law and any dispute arising from the use of this Website can only be brought in the Courts the Republic of Cyprus.
If the Visitor has any questions regarding this Website or if he/she wishes to make any enquiries they can reach the Company on the following email address: [email protected]
- Disclaimer Pertaining to Data Publication
Publication of transfers of value to Recipients aims at reporting the values (monetary or in-kind) to HCPs/HCOs our company is collaborating / has relationships with, following the objectives and provisions included in both the EFPIA disclosure code and applicable local association codes. Individual disclosures have been consented to by individual Recipients – such consent has been given to allow complying with the applicable codes that our company signed off to. These publications do not grant permission for those accessing our website or the national platforms to undertake additional processing of the healthcare professionals’ data. For a good understanding of the reporting included in our disclosures as published on this website, we refer to the Methodological Note that clarifies the meaning and content of the transfers of value reported.